
~Welcome to the CMP 272 Fall 2008 Quotes Blog~
*Choose a quote with a KNOWN author.
*Compose a short essay on why this quote has meaning in your life. Include an interesting fact about the quote author.
*Complete draft for in class revising, and editing sessions.
Your quote should be set up in the following manner:
*Create a title for your post.
*"Put your chosen quote in quotation marks."
*List the author of your quote underneath.
*Leave a space.
*Somewhere in the body of your quote include a picture that enhances your quote post.
*Key in your short quote essay to the blog AFTER it has been through the draft, revision, editing process.
*Please have all quotes posted by the end of week 5.
*When all quotes have been posted, I will instruct you to make comments (minimum of two).
*Please do not post comments until all quotes have been posted!
*Pick two or more quotes by fellow classmates and add a comment to their post. You may comment on their quote or on their author or on the information they shared.
*Comments should be posted by the end of week 8.
*Inappropriate quote posts or comments will not be tolerated and will result in a failing IRP grade. Build each other up, not tear each other down.

December 11, 2008


“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not।” - Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President of the United States। Before, after, and during his presidency, Jefferson had many great accomplishments। In 1776 Jefferson was a member of the Continental Congress. During that year, Congress chose Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence. Overall the Declaration of Independence documents equality regardless of age, wealth, or status, and that people are the master of the government.

During his presidency, he cut the national debt by a third। Most notably during his first term was purchasing from Napoleon the Louisiana Territory. He also cut the budget, eliminated tax on whiskey, and cut Army and Navy expenses. However, with his second term, Jefferson attempted to keep the nation from becoming involved in the Napoleonic wars. His solution of an embargo on American shipping worked badly and was unpopular.

After his presidency, Jefferson retired to his home built on nearly 5000 acres left to him by his father। His residency was named Monticello. At the age of 76, Jefferson founded the University of Virginia, his last great accomplishment.

On July 4, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson died at 83 years old।

I chose this quote because I feel it has a lot to do with what’s going on today. The founders of this nation call it the end of democracy, however, now it’s being called “spreading the wealth around.” It is the action of taking from the rich to give to the poor. In my opinion, Robin Hood is just a kid’s story and has no place in government. In reality I feel that with this kind of mentality and processing, the drive, and goal of the American dream is gone. The American dream is the belief in the freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States to pursue their goals in life through hard work. Therefore, if Americans feel that their hard work and sacrifice goes unrewarded and benefits more to the people who haven’t made those personal choices and sacrifices, then what’s the point. Why bother. Who cares. It won’t benefit me to work this hard and to put my life on this path to try to succeed. The only benefit I’ll receive is higher taxes. With this kind of mentality, people could give up. People could get lazy. I do believe that if America gets lazy, if America doesn’t care, if America gives up their dreams, then democracy has ended.

November 25, 2008

Keep Your Head High

Lacee Lucas

CMP 272


"Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world in the face."
-Helen Heller-
Have you ever thought to yourself man I cant to this, it is to hard, why does
everything bad always happen to me, or even what is my purpose of being here? Well,
I have. I used to always be depressed and look at the down side of everything. Life
just never seemed to go right.

A friend once told me Helen Kellers qoute and I said ot over and over to
myself. It actually helped. I finally got enough strength to hold my head high and look
the world in the face just like Helen did. Helen Keller was born blind and deaf and still
nothing let her down. She went on to college, wrote many books, and made a big
imact on deaf and blind people through the years she lived.

For me this qoute describes not to let every little thing let a person down.
look at the sunny side of life and know that the world is no better than you so dont be
intimidated. Out of the many qoutes that Helen Keller has wrote, I could not have
picked a better one to help me hold my head high!

November 13, 2008

Kiss Kiss

"The sound of a kiss not so loud as that of a cannon, but uts echo last a great longer."

-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Oliver Wendell Holmes graduated from Harvard University with a degree in medicine. He became chair of the Anatomy and Physiology Department in Dartmouth College, he held this position until 1847, and then took a similar one at Harvard. He wrote many different things throughout his lifetime. The sound of a kiss lasts a lot longer then the echo of a cannon, because with a certain type of kiss, like your first kiss for instance, you usually remember, I still remember my first kiss, and just how much it meant to me. It just so happened that my first kiss on Valentine's Day, I was 15 at the timem and ti happened just as I had always imagined it happening. And for me it is a kiss that I will always remember. The guy tha tI am with now I've had the chance of having all of my firsts with, and he's had all of his firsts with me, and to me it just makes everything that much better. And the best part of it all is that I plan on marrying him.

The Love of My Life

"Love is the beauty of the soul!"
-Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine was born Novermber 13, 354 B.C. at Tagaste he was converted from Donatism. Hippo died August 28, 430 before his town was taken. He wrote a book called Confessions and another called The city of God. Augustine was one of the most important figures of western Christianity in Roman Catholicism. Saint Augustine believed from the soul, I too believe love is from the beauty of your soul. He's caring and very wonderful, and would do anything for anyone. He has so much love in his soul. I am so glad to be married to the man with such a beautiful soul. It is a quote that speaks for the heart, it speaks to my heart.

Sue Dean
My Special Friends
“ A friend is one of the nicest things you can have
and one of the best things you can be”
*** Douglas Pagels

The closest thing to family is having great friends. Just like Douglas Pagels a family oriented writer, has many great friends. With his loving and caring qualities he tries to be the best friend he can be while juggling his job, volunteering in the community, coaching basketball, his amazing family and a wife of thirty years.

While attending WVJC I have met two of the most special people. These two ladies have shown me honesty, loyalty, which is the true meaning of friendship. I know when family can’t be there my friends are just a phone call away.

While trying to keep up with my busy and chaotic life, like Douglas, I try my hardest to be the best friend that I can be. I try to make sure I’m there when my friends need someone to just listen, and I’m happily there waiting when they need a shoulder to cry on. Douglas Pagels and I share the same values in life. We work hard to meet our goals that we have set, we love our families, friends and neighbors, and we try our hardest to be the best person we can be.

October 30, 2008



By: Adam McEldowney

“It’s a great day to be a mountaineer, wherever you may be” – Tony Caridi

West Virginia is a state full of beauty, pride, and tradition. These three do not apply to just the state itself. West Virginians believe strongly about many things, but West Virginia University football is one of the biggest. On game days, fans from Weirton to Welch and all points in-between unite in Morgantown to form the largest city in West Virginia. The states population is higher than 1,800,000. Game days bring over 90,000 rabid fans into town. When these fans dressed in gold and blue come together, they listen to the voice of West Virginia, Tony Caridi.

Tony Caridi, three-time West Virginia Sportscaster of the year, is in his 12th season as radio play-by-play announcer for Mountaineer football and basketball. Tony’s name has become a “household name” over the 23 total years he has been with the network in this family centered part of the country.

I am born and raised in the Mountain State, but have traveled outside of the state many times. To me there is no place better on Earth. Summers not too hot. Winters with plenty of snow. It is truly almost heaven. Like most in the state, I love West Virginia University collegiate sports. When my time on this Earth is done, I hope to have seen the Mountaineers win a National Title in football and basketball. I know if I have the chance to experience that, I will be a happy man when I am laid to rest in the hills of West Virginia. Listening to those famous words of Tony Caridi makes a man feel good. Next time you hear them, sit back, take a swig of your shine, a drink of your beer, and be proud to feel that pride and tradition of being a Mountaineer.

Precious Moments

"Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments."
- Rose Kennedy
I have always admired Mrs. Rose Kennedy for this quote, but it wasn't until July 2008, when I had my daughter Haleigh, that I realized what she was really meaning.
At only three months old, she's the most amazing little person. Since she was born, I have watched her grow and learn so much, and within that time I finally realized exactly what Mrs. Kennedy was talking about. It's not how much she learns when she's young; it's those cute, little things she does while she's learning.
Rose Kennedy was a very strong woman and a loving, nurtering mother of nine. Her son presented the Tribute of Motherhood award, to Mrs. Kennedy in 1990, on her 100th birthday. Her life was filled with joys and happiness watching her children grow, and I am sure that I will experience those same joys and happiness watching Haleigh grow.

“Illegitimis Non Carborundum”
(“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”)
General Joseph Stilwell

It is said that General Joseph “Vinegar Joe” Stilwell was a “caustic and “extremely cynical” man. He was also considered to be “misanthropic” (a person who hates or distrusts humankind: Webster’s dictionary). But, he didn’t hate everyone; he reserved his greatest disgust for those in the position of authority. Vinegar Joe did not find it easy to remain silent when he had to listen to a “political fool” or a “military buffoon”, which is probably why he was only a Brigadier General when he was sent to command the British and Chinese troops in the Eastern theatre of World War II. The pseudo-Latin quote referred to here, “Illegitimis non Carborundum”, was his motto.

I relate to General Stilwell’s attitude when confronted with unqualified people who have been promoted to the level of incompetence. In my working life I have been faced with many people in this position. Sometimes the only way to deal with them is to remember the words, “Illegitimis non Carborundum”,”Don’t let the bastards grind you down”.

October 28, 2008


Donna Prunty
CMP 272

Beauty of Love
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart”. Helen Keller

Helen Keller was born in Alabama on June 27, 1880. Blind and deaf at the age of 19 months, she faced many obstacles throughout her life time. She grew into a highly intelligent and sensitive woman who wrote, spoke, and labored incessantly for the betterment of others. Even with the struggles she encountered, she still managed to go through school and even on to college and received many scholarly achievements. During her lifetime, Helen Keller received numerous awards of great distinction. She had a passion for life and everyone she knew. She had a great love for life, learning and helping others.

Having a sister with a life altering disability and seeing first hand the effects of it, I can relate to this quote. I believe this shows how much a person can overcome and how great one can feel, after they conquer the challenges that face them. Most might feel this is a quote about love. I feel it is about our perception on life and our inner strengths.

Lacee's Test Blog!

A Vessel for My Thoughts

This is that which is mine
My life, my heart
I am a vessel for my thoughts
The entry plug, the throne of the soul
Who is this? This is me
Who am I? What am I?
What am I? What am I?
I am I.
This object that is, is myself
That which forms is me
This is the self that can be seen, and yet this is not like that which is myself
A strange feeling

~Excerpt from a monologue spoken by “Rei Ayanami”, written by Hideaki Anno

This quote originates from the anime “Neon Genesis Evangelion”, which was inspired by a manga of the same name, and was directed by Hideaki Anno. While the words were spoken by a character from the show, there is a great deal of background to the creation of the anime – significantly, Hideaki Anno’s personal psychology. As it is said, writers pull parts of their personality to establish the identity of their characters; oftentimes, the most well-established characters borrow significant parts from their creator, or in a case such as this, their interpreter. One of the greatest themes to the show is the focus on the psychology of each character, and in many cases, this wasn’t flattering. Anno had gone through a very deep depression that had lasted four years, and every character expressed reflections of this as well as negative coping mechanisms such as alcoholism, amongst others. The story was given life thanks to these flaws. For anyone who has been depressed or has the ability to empathize with others, they could easily map Anno’s personal psychology through the trials and tribulations of the characters: searching for meaning, the overwhelming shadow of being socially isolated, and trying to find a way to cope with the emotions in the case of alcoholism. One can only imagine how deep the rabbit hole of Anno's mind went in the case of the character who spoke this quote.

The character Rei Ayanami strikes me as case study for the existential crisis and as such, I can only imagine that she received inspiration from Anno’s personality when he was in a state of serious disattachment. As a favorite quote, it simply strikes a chord with my personal world views; I find the character fascinating and I’m intrigued by what the author’s state of mind must have been to write it as well as feel the need to define their existence in such a distant state. Furthermore, some of the realizations that are spoken strike me as being incredibly profound, notably “This is the self that can be seen, and yet this is not like that which is myself” – to realize that a person does not have a single solid identity, that they are ambiguous mass that is defined by how everyone around them perceives them, and yet, no matter what others see, that is not what defines the soul. “A strange feeling” indeed…

Naturally, Kyle can't tinker with html in anything without putting a marquee, 'cause marquees are the bee's knees or something random like that. They're all scrolly-ish 'n such, and in the hands of a bored individual they keep going on. And on. And on. And on. Its like the song that never ends. It keeps going on and on my friends. Some people started reading it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue reading it forever just because its the... Okay, just kidding. Thats the end of it. El fin. The end. Zombie apocolypse. . . . . . . . . . . Okay, I lied. There's more.... or is there? Its like a suspense: novel when will it -

Life's Rules

" Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today."
These are some strong words coming from a small town boy, who was the son of a dentist. After his mother passed away, he was sent to live with his aunt and uncle. Although he had some college training and worked a part time job while doing some of his first movies he still had reckless way of living perhaps he was still looking for that peace he felt with his mother, and his way of dealing with the major loss of a loved one was to be a little wild and make people take notice of him.
He had a reputation of being a "rebel" living life to the fullest, and never missing a chance to try something new.Like James Dean I to have had a big loss, My brother, and because he died at such a young age never having the chance to live life to the fullest. I have now come to the realization that life is to short to just give up. I became aware that my whole life "which is many moons," I have never missed a chance to try new things and I live life now for the both of us. I also teach my children that life is to short and precious to sit and let it pass by. Nothing prrepares you for life, but won't it be great to know that somewhere in your life someone has never forgotten what you've done for them or others around them. I know I am counting on people to remember me for my childrens purposes.

October 16, 2008

Amber's test post

This is my test post

Mary's test post

Here it is Mary Robinson

Jeanie's Test Post!!!!

This is my test post!

Marie's test post

This is my test post!!!!

Don't Settle for Nothing

“I’d rather be a could-be if I can not be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I’d rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might-have-been has never been, but a has was once an are.” – Milton Berle

Medel “Milton Berle” Berlinger was an Emmy winning comedian and actor and was the first major star of television. Funny thing is that Berle’s mother Sarah had to drag him to New Jersey’s Edison movie studios in 1914 to do extra work, then pushed him into supporting roles, including the part of a newsboy in the first-ever feature-length comedy Tillies Punctured Romance. After little success on radio and films, Berle made a spectacular television debut as a star of NBC’s Texaco Star Theatre in 1948, which was the single most popular comedy/variety series on TV’s earliest years. If it had not been from his mother encouraging him, he may never have made it so big.

YI picked this quote because when I read it, it encourages me to want to be something or do something, not just settle for nothing. Kind of what Berle’s mother did with him. I found this quote years ago and have always liked it because it has such a positive attitude when you read it. I don’t want to be a might-have-been, because like the quote says, a might-have-been has never been, and I want to be able to say I have. Since I graduated high school, I have joined the military, I have gotten married, I have had a beautiful baby boy, and now I have been in college to better myself and my family.Y

David's test post

This is not a test, it is a bass guitar! Damnit!

Kyle's test post


This is a test. This is only a test. There is no fire in the theater. But in case there was, this would not be a test. We'd be yelling "FIRE! FIRE!"


I think racing is the best sport

Donna Prunty

This is my test post :)

Ryan's test post

This is a brick.

Ms. Fitz test post

This is my test post

October 13, 2008

Test Post

Test Post by Ms. Fitz

Remember that your quote and author choice is due for check in on Tuesday.