
~Welcome to the CMP 272 Fall 2008 Quotes Blog~
*Choose a quote with a KNOWN author.
*Compose a short essay on why this quote has meaning in your life. Include an interesting fact about the quote author.
*Complete draft for in class revising, and editing sessions.
Your quote should be set up in the following manner:
*Create a title for your post.
*"Put your chosen quote in quotation marks."
*List the author of your quote underneath.
*Leave a space.
*Somewhere in the body of your quote include a picture that enhances your quote post.
*Key in your short quote essay to the blog AFTER it has been through the draft, revision, editing process.
*Please have all quotes posted by the end of week 5.
*When all quotes have been posted, I will instruct you to make comments (minimum of two).
*Please do not post comments until all quotes have been posted!
*Pick two or more quotes by fellow classmates and add a comment to their post. You may comment on their quote or on their author or on the information they shared.
*Comments should be posted by the end of week 8.
*Inappropriate quote posts or comments will not be tolerated and will result in a failing IRP grade. Build each other up, not tear each other down.

October 28, 2008

Life's Rules

" Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today."
These are some strong words coming from a small town boy, who was the son of a dentist. After his mother passed away, he was sent to live with his aunt and uncle. Although he had some college training and worked a part time job while doing some of his first movies he still had reckless way of living perhaps he was still looking for that peace he felt with his mother, and his way of dealing with the major loss of a loved one was to be a little wild and make people take notice of him.
He had a reputation of being a "rebel" living life to the fullest, and never missing a chance to try something new.Like James Dean I to have had a big loss, My brother, and because he died at such a young age never having the chance to live life to the fullest. I have now come to the realization that life is to short to just give up. I became aware that my whole life "which is many moons," I have never missed a chance to try new things and I live life now for the both of us. I also teach my children that life is to short and precious to sit and let it pass by. Nothing prrepares you for life, but won't it be great to know that somewhere in your life someone has never forgotten what you've done for them or others around them. I know I am counting on people to remember me for my childrens purposes.


Adam said...

This quote is the only way to live life. By living each day like it is your last, you can truly enjoy each day and doing something with your life instead of just watch it pass by.

Jeanie Daft said...

Yes, Mary you are right, but West Virginia is a good place to live like it is your last day to live. Keep that in mind!

Marie said...

Mary this sounds just like you!!!So you should stay and live your life to the fullest here in WEST VIRGINIA!!!